Pet Gets StungIt’s only a matter of time until the buds open on all the trees and the flowers bloom. All across Michigan, spring will wield its intoxicating power over all of us, and your pet is no exception. Chances are, they’ll be keenly aware of all the lovely scents in the air. But with these heavenly aromas come bees and wasps. Yes, doing all the important pollinating are these busy 6-legged insects. On one hand, we love them for it, but on the other, what do you do when your pet gets stung?

To Chase or Not to Chase?

A pet who’s learned the hard way is less likely to chase after bees and wasps. Until then, however, chasing them around the yard certainly makes an afternoon more exhilarating. However, bees and wasps are not to be trifled with. They’re so busy building new nests and gathering food (and pollinating plants in the process) that they simply cannot be bothered with a snapping, chasing, barking pet.


Although many bees and wasps don’t mean to sting the animals in their path, it’s equally likely they might retaliate against one who pays too much attention to their flight patterns. To be sure, most stinging insects act in self-defense when their nest gets attacked or a member of the hive gets ambushed. Unfortunately, a pet gets stung when they cross paths with an angry bee or wasp.

Ouch in the Mouth

Typically, a pet gets stung in the mouth, but it could occur anywhere on the body. Spots not covered with hair are common targets. This includes the nose, ears, snout, gums, paws, tongue, and even the roof of the mouth if a bee gets trapped inside.

When a Pet Gets Stung

You’ll notice swelling, redness, itching, and localized pain where the sting occured. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, sometimes causing death. When a pet gets stung, they’ll probably let you know quickly, especially if the stinger is still pumping venom into the sting site.

Anaphylaxis is a serious inflammatory response that causes the neck to swell, constricting the airway. Because each pet reacts differently to being stung, it’s important to treat the situation as a potential pet emergency. Observe your pet closely and monitor the sting site for any changes. Please call us for further direction. We may ask you to identify the type of insect that stung your pet or have you place a cool compress on the site to reduce pain and swelling.

Remember, antihistamines are considered safe to use when a pet gets stung, but we urge you to call us for dosing instructions. Never give your pet Tylenol, ibuprofen, or other drugs without a veterinary consult.

To prevent an incident, check your property for any hives or nests. Many bees and wasps drink from pet water bowls outside; check this out before allowing your pet to lap up a drink.

There are lots of flowering plants, like zinnias and jasmine, that add color and vibrancy to any garden that also attract more butterflies than bees.

If we can help you further, please let us know. We hope your pet doesn’t get stung by a bee or wasp, but if they do, our staff is always here to help!