Extraordinary Veterinary Care for Pets of All Ages

General pet care guidelines have changed in recent years to include wellness protocols designed to enhance your pet's overall health, increase vitality, and extend their lifespan. As your pet progresses through life, their needs change in response to various factors, such as their overall health, immunity, exposure to potential risks, and lifestyle changes. Regular wellness care, including exams and vaccinations, is your pet’s best defense against health-related risks.
Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates focuses on the whole pet throughout the stages of life, from puppy or kitten to adult pet and through the senior years. We look to the protocols recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) for the highest standard of pet care. Of course, each pet is unique, and we develop a care plan tailored to their specific needs.
Pet Vaccines

As an AAHA-accredited hospital, Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates follows AAHA’s guidelines for vaccinating adult pets, tailoring your vaccination plan to address various issues and concerns specific to your pet’s health and lifestyle.
Check out these informative articles from the experts at AAHA to learn more about vaccinating your pet:
Vaccinating your dog Vaccinating your catParasite Prevention

Considering Michigan's distinctive climate and geographical traits, which can create conditions favorable to parasites, we highly recommend maintaining year-round preventive measures to safeguard your pet's health.
- Heartworms enter and destroy the heart through a single bite from a mosquito. The ultimate result of untreated heartworm disease is heart failure and death. Prompt detection and early treatment are vital to a successful cure.
- Fleas attach to the skin and coat, taking over the pet’s environment and your home. Fleas can also cause illness and allergies in pets, adding to their discomfort and complicating treatment.
- Ticks are found in almost any climate but most often in grassy, wooded, and damp areas. Ticks attach and bite before dropping off. Some tick bites are harmless, but others transmit serious or fatal diseases such as anemia, Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain Fever.
Our veterinarians do not recommend over-the-counter parasite preventives or treatments. We create a pet care plan that protects your companion from the risks associated with these dangerous parasites.
Check out WebMD Pets’ guides for dog and cat owners regarding flea and tick medications.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pet Eye Diseases
In the treatment of eye diseases, we work to identify the root cause and create a tailored treatment plan that suits the pet and owner. Our team excels in diagnosing and treating conditions that can affect your pet's vision and the long-term health of their eyes.
Indications of Eye Disease in Pets
Eye conditions or diseases can manifest in a range of symptoms, some more subtle than others. Evident signs of an eye problem include watery eyes, frequent blinking, squinting, redness, puffiness, and pawing at the eyes or face.
Less conspicuous indicators of pet eye problems include weight loss and dehydration, which can result in a sunken appearance of the eyes. Tetanus, a severe condition, can also lead to sunken eyes.
Conditions such as tumors, abscesses, or glaucoma may cause bulging in or around the eye. Infections, the presence of foreign objects in the eye, or other issues typically result in general irritation and redness.
Indicators of eye pain include:
- Tenderness
- Whining
- Heightened sensitivity to light
- Excessive tearing
- Loss of appetite
- Rubbing or pawing at the face
If your pet displays signs of discomfort in or around their eyes, it's crucial to seek immediate veterinary attention. Any noticeable decline in your pet’s vision should be treated as a serious issue.
Eye Diseases and Conditions
Our veterinary team is experienced in diagnosing and treating a variety of eye diseases and conditions. These include:
- Tear duct repairs
- Eyelid issues
- Conjunctivitis
- Glaucoma
- Tumors
- Foreign object removal
- Corneal ulcerations
- Enucleations
We strongly recommend reaching out to us at the first sign of concern. While not every symptom indicates a severe diagnosis, taking prompt action could save your companion's vision.
Visit the Pet Health Center at WebMD to learn more about symptoms of eye problems in dogs.
Learn about cataracts—one of the most common eye problems in pets.
Microchipping Your Pet

Each year, thousands of pets go missing, which leads to a distressing situation for pets and their families. Pet microchips offer a safe and easy way to increase your pet’s chances of returning home safely.
Veterinary hospitals, animal shelters, and animal control offices nationwide participate in this program to reunite pets with their families. We strongly recommend microchipping every pet to provide them with this extra protection.
Addressing Pet Behavior Problems
Pets can have a wide variety of behavioral issues, from simple house training problems to severe anxiety and aggression issues. Our well-qualified professionals are experienced in diagnosing and addressing behavior problems in pets. Our approach combines skills from veterinary clinical medicine, behavioral medicine, and pet training.
While achieving a positive change in your pet's behavior is definitely a win, our ultimate goal is to help pets and their owners live together comfortably and safely, strengthening the special bond between animal companions and their families.
To schedule a wellness exam for your pet, please call (248) 646-5655.