Fun Winter Activities to Keep Your Pet Moving

The long winter months are great for staying cozy and eating our fair share of food during the holidays. When it comes to our pets, though, this season is sometimes prohibitive to them getting the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy.
During inclement weather, it is hard to get outside with our pets. Couple this with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and it’s easy to let those daily playtimes fall to the wayside.
The team at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates believes daily exercise is vital to your fur friend’s well-being. Here are some recommended fun activities to keep your pet moving during the cold months.
10 Great Winter Activities to Keep Your Pet Occupied
Try these interesting activities for your pet to shake off the winter doldrums.
- Dog or cat dance party – Who says dancing is just for humans? Not us. Put on your favorite, upbeat tunes and shake a tail feather. Most pets will get into the fun with you by hopping and jumping as you do your thing.
- Doga – Doga is a hybrid of the traditional ancient practice of yoga, but with your dog (or cat). There are several poses, called asanas, that can be tailored to four-legged friends, like wheelbarrow, savasana, and downward facing dog.
- Doggie Play Date – Gather all of your friends’ well-behaved poochies and have a playdate. If you have a rec room or large basement, this is a wonderful way to inspire exercise and socialization for your pet and others. Plus, you and your friends can spend quality time together, too.
- Climb stairs – If you have any steps in your home, use them to exercise you and your pet. You can even use step aerobic, steps which can be purchased at most recreation stores if your home is stair-free.
- Teach your pet agility – If your dog is especially high energy and requires a challenge, why not sign up for an agility course. If you want to DIY, there are several items you can use to make your own agility course, including baby gates for jumps and boxes for tunneling. Your cat can even be taught agility! Yes, it’s actually a thing!
- Go somewhere – Summer is thought of as the time for vacations, but during the dark days of winter, the idea of escape sounds appealing. Look for pet-friendly destinations and head out on the road or jet away to a beach, new city, or other fun spot to enjoy with your furry one.
- Build a catio – If you love to build, put your carpentry skills to good use by building your cat their very own catio. This space can be used all seasons if you stock it with plenty of warm items, cozy cubes, or outdoor heating. It can be used by you, too, if you convert it to a human and pet friendly space. Bring the indoors outside with places to sit and artificial plants.
- Teach your dog new tricks – Trick training is a ton of fun for Rover and you, too. Teach your dog to roll over, play dead, beg, circle, sit up, and a number of other fun commands to challenge the mind and body.
- Invest in smart games – Meal puzzles and mind toys can put a spin on the usual toy. These games are usually designed so that small treats or kibble can be placed inside and only accessed by your pet through a series of processes. This not only slows down their eating habits but it provides solid enrichment for complete wellness.
- Bundle up and head out – Cabin fever is a problem in the grey months of winter, and sometimes a pet and their owner needs to face the elements and get some fresh air and sunshine. Whenever the weather breaks, bundle your pet up with a coat and booties and head out for a 20-minute run or walk.
If we can provide you with more winter tips for your pet, please call us. We can help you with winter activities to keep your pet moving during the season and throughout the year.