Leash Laws: How To Pick A Safe Dog Leash

If you’re looking for a place for your dog to roam free, there’s no shortage of dog parks, recognized off leash areas, and even your own backyard. But if you’re walking your dog, a safe dog leash is a necessity.
Not only do leashes provide you with some control over your dog, they also keep him safe in unpredictable situations. You wouldn’t want him darting into traffic, chasing a squirrel and getting lost, or meeting another off leash dog.
So a good leash is important, but where to start? Before you find yourself browsing online pet stores or walking the aisles of your nearest Big Box in overwhelm, check out our tips for choosing a safe dog leash.
Safety First
Many dog owners like retractable leashes as a way to give a dog more independence. These leads feature a thick plastic grip with a nylon cord that is pulled out and retracted when pressure is released, similar to a measuring tape.
Although convenient, retractable leashes can be unsafe for the following reasons:
- They are too long, giving dogs up to 25 ft to get tangled up in.
- They may break, releasing the dog at unsafe moments.
- The risk of injury to dog and owner is well documented.
In addition, retractable leashes can also send your dog the wrong message – that if he pulls on the leash, he can go wherever he wants.
Finding A Safe Dog Leash
When it comes to buying a safe dog leash, your choices are many. Picking one may come down to your personal preference, as long as the following criteria are met:
Length – A safe length should be between 4 ft and 6 ft long. 6 ft is good for neighborhood and trail walking, while a shorter length may be better on a crowded street for more control.
Weight – The larger your dog, the wider the leash should be. Smaller dogs can be safe with thinner leashes. Look at the packaging for the right size for your dog.
Material – While leather leashes may look beautiful, some dogs like to chew them. A sturdier option may work better, such as nylon or polypropylene.
Weatherproof – Leashes should ideally be waterproof, which helps them last longer and keep their strength intact. You don’t want your leash to break in a critical safety situation, such as your dog pulling toward traffic or an unknown dog.
Special Considerations
A leash is a necessity for basic obedience training. Training helps keep your dog safe, and improves their behavior, too. Whatever your dog’s abilities, rest assured there is a safe dog leash alternative out there for you.
- A simple, nylon leash is an affordable and effective choice.
- For dogs who like to pull, you might try a shock absorbing leash.
- If you’re worried about your dog chewing on their leash, try an indestructible option.
- If you have a very large, young dog, keep her close with a training tab.
- If you have multiple dogs, keep them all in line with a double leash.
- If you walk at night, use a leash with reflective material so he can be seen by motorists.
The world of dog leashes seems to know no bounds. You can find one in any material, color, pattern, and design that you choose. You can also have one custom made!
Leashes prevent accidental injury, and community leash laws are designed to keep both dogs and people safe. Using a safe dog leash is imperative, and luckily, it can be fun to find the perfect leash for hours of fun walking, hiking, and training with your dog.
If you have any questions or concerns, please give your team at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates a call. We’re here for you!