Our Blog Antifreeze Poisoning in Pets This time of year brings cold weather, which brings a unique set of dangers to our pets. Understanding these wintertime hazards can help you to better protect your four-legged family. One frosty, but serious, danger during this season is antifreeze poisoning in pets. Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates thinks that it is essential for pet owners […] Read More Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Parents Beginning the new year off with intention is a great way to stay motivated throughout the entire year. So, why not start your pet off on the right paw in 2023? Improving diet, encouraging more exercise, and implementing other healthy habits can help them have a great year. Setting pet resolutions can improve your pet’s […] Read More Bah Humbug: Why You Should Never Give a Pet as a Gift People that have gone through the experience of raising a puppy or kitten know all too well that it’s not for everyone. The process takes a considerable amount of time, energy, money, and foresight to truly do it right. And while it’s 100% worth it, it’s really not something you can thrust on someone else. […] Read More Does My Dog Need A Smart Collar? If there was a way to ensure your dog not only stayed safe in your absence but also enhanced their overall health, would you pursue it? Complete wIth activity trackers, GPS capability, and so much more, it may be time to invest in a smart collar for your dog. Read More Combatting Behavioral Issues in Rescue Dogs You walked into your local shelter, locked eyes with a labrador mix, and immediately knew it was meant to be. Rescuing a shelter animal is immensely rewarding, and while most shelter pets are eager for stability and affection, some come with emotional issues that delay their ability to bond with new people and adapt to […] Read More How Do I Trim My Cat’s Nails? Those little murder mittens make for aww-inspiring Instagram posts, but they can quickly turn an innocent biscuit-making sesh into grimace-inducing torture. You power through putting your cat in a carrier for her wellness visits, but doing that every few weeks for nail trims sounds like a no-go. Can you trim your cat’s nails at home? […] Read More Tips for Trimming Your Pet’s Nails If your pet’s toenails are click, click, clicking their way across the floor it means it’s time for a “peticure.” A cat’s nails typically need trimming every two to three weeks, while a dog’s nails need clipped every two to six weeks depending upon the breed and lifestyle. Taking your pet to a professional groomer […] Read More Help, My Dog Ate Chocolate! Most dog lovers have some inkling that they are not supposed to feed their pet chocolate. Many have had the experience of sharing a small amount, though, without ill effects. At Beverly HIlls Veterinary Associates, our clients often ask how serious chocolate toxicity really is. So what does chocolate do to dogs actually, and if […] Read More Can You Train a Deaf Dog? If you recently adopted a deaf or hearing-impaired dog, or if you think your older pet is losing her hearing, you might be wondering if training a deaf dog is possible. The answer is yes! With simple modifications, your hearing-impaired dog can learn to respond to training cues just like other pets. At Beverly Hills […] Read More Unsung Heroes: The Reach and Impact of Today’s Service Dogs Far more than pets, service dogs are highly trained working dogs that assist differently-abled people. Sometimes, it’s their mere presence that provides a service to those in need. Other times, their specialized skills save lives. Service dogs are vital to humankind, but they aren’t all the same. It’s always fascinating to learn about the numerous […] Read More Older Posts Newer Posts