Posts Tagged: Pet Separation Anxiety June 22, 2020 by Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates Feline Facts: Cat Separation Anxiety In An Anxious Age You’re packing a suitcase in preparation for a trip. Ordinarily, your cat might ignore or observe you from a distance, but in this moment the pink paws and twitchy whiskers are all over your clothes and toiletries. Sure, this could simply be a display of feline curiosity, but it could also mean that they know […] Read More Dealing With Post-Lockdown Pet Separation Anxiety Regardless of everyone’s personal opinions on the statewide stay-at-home order here in Michigan, there’s one subset of the population that has no problems with it: our pets. Although their routines have been disrupted and some may be getting more attention than they need, pets by and large are thrilled to have their owners around all […] Read More