Time for Reflection: Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates’ Top 10 Pet Blogs of 2018

The time has finally come for us to take a much-deserved breather from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and reflect on all that’s happened in 2018. Although it’s been a wild ride here at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates, we wouldn’t have it any other way! Providing the absolute best for our patients and their families is our ongoing goal, and our pet blogs are an important part of that mission.
As we all take a collective sigh now that the year is winding down, we invite you to grab a mug of your favorite winter beverage and enjoy a trip down memory lane with our top 10 most popular pet blogs of 2018.
Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates’ Top Pet Blogs of the Year
#10: Essential Oils and Pet Poisoning
Essential oils have enjoyed widespread interest and popularity in recent years. And it’s no wonder – they have the potential to soothe a variety of ailments and they smell wonderful. However, for all their positive attributes, essential oils can result in a pet poisoning if absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Read more…

#9: Aging with Grace: Advice for Caring for a Senior Pet
Some things get even better with age, and pets are no exception. An aging pet is like a good friend- he knows and loves you and all your quirks, for better or worse. Likely, the feeling is mutual. Keep reading…
#8: Talking Turkey: Thanksgiving Dinner and Pets
Thanksgiving is the holiday of gratitude and spending time pondering the things we are blessed with in our lives. Among the top of our list of things to be grateful for: our pets, of course! Continue reading…
#7: Local Summer Fun with Dogs
Are you looking forward to some summer fun with your dog? We sure are! As the weather heats up in Oakland County, we decided to gather a few ideas for how you can enjoy our local area with your dog. And, there are some really amazing places to visit with your pet, so without further ado, let the dog days of summer begin. Read on!
#6: The Way of the Future? Laparoscopic Surgery in Veterinary Medicine
Surgery is a big deal, no matter if you have two legs or four. We are constantly looking for better and less painful ways to accomplish surgical procedures. Keep reading…
#5: The Wonderful Qualities of a Responsible Pet Owner
Without a doubt, most pet owners consider themselves to be the best pet parents out there. After all, whoever gives the most snuggles surely loves his or her pet the most, right? However, being a responsible pet owner goes well beyond simply showing affection. It requires us to make some important commitments to keeping our fur friends happy and healthy. Read more…
#4: Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread? Laparoscopic Spay Is in the Running
The concept of laparoscopic surgery emerged at the turn of the 20th century, but it didn’t become the sought-after bandaid or keyhole surgery until well into the 1970s. Since then, this minimally invasive technique has become a household name, due in large part to its many advantages like minimized post-op pain, faster recovery time, and fewer possible infections.
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#3: Anal Sacs Can Really Bite You in the Butt
Dog owners are pretty comfortable looking at their dog’s rear end, picking up feces, and generally staying on top of the poop schedule. This level of acceptance goes with the territory of dog ownership. However, if there’s one thing that makes an owner scrunch up their nose and look away, it’s the anal sacs. Tough to talk about? Maybe. Hard to express the sacs at home? Absolutely. Read on!

#2: What to Expect When Your Dog Is Expecting: All You Need to Know About Having Puppies
If your dog is expecting, chances are, you have done a lot of research. There is much that goes into responsible dog breeding, and anticipating the arrival of your new litter is exciting. But, are you ready to be having puppies? Read more…
#1: The Mystery of Mange: What is it and How is it Treated?
“Mange” is an unpleasant word, and many of us associate it with stray dogs and cats. However, mange is something all pet owners should know about, as it’s highly contagious and is not just a problem among strays. It can also be diagnosed in well cared for pets. Read on!
Taking Stock
We’re in awe of what an incredible year it’s been, and we look forward to serving Michigan pets and their owners for many more years to come. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our caring and compassionate staff with any questions or concerns.
From all of us at Beverly Hills Veterinary Associates, we wish you and your pet a happy, safe, and wonderful 2019!